AMAWIO! Week Four: Bygone Zygons

I was into Doctor Who way before it was cool to be into Doctor Who.

When I was a kid, I wanted nothing more than a robot dog and stupidly long scarf.

I discovered Doctor Who when Tom Baker was playing the time-traveling Time Lord. Baker was goofy cool in the role. He was witty, brilliant and sardonic – and the bulging eyes and wild curls (not to mention the ridiculous scarf) made him a charming clown of a hero.

But of course there's no Doctor Who without aliens and monsters. Cybermen, Daleks, Ice Warriors, Sontarans, Silurians, Sea Devils – the universe of Doctor Who was endlessly fascinating for me as a kid. Though I haven't really kept up with the Doctor Who series revival, I'm happy to see it's back and more popular than ever.

For A Monster a Week in October (AMAWIO) I've drawn two of my favorite characters first introduced in the Tom Baker years: Broton the Zygon and Davros the creator of the Daleks. When I set out on AMAWIO, I hoped to recapture some of my youthful enthusiasm for drawing. I've enjoyed all the monsters I've drawn this month but working on these two was deeply gratifying!